Welcome To Pirate Harbor!

Welcome to Pirate Harbor!

My name is Captain Sly and this website is designed for people who want to learn about Nautical life in the 17th and 18th century. With in this website, we have pages to help you learn the terminology, the types of ships, and other fascinating things. If you would like to leave me a comment or learn more about me, check out my contact and about pages. I hope you enjoy your stay at Pirate Harbor.


An open book.

Want to learn to talk like an ol'sea dog! Here's the place to learn. Also, check out our sea shanty page to learn some popular songs.


A sailing ship.

Look at the types of ships or check out the anatomy page to see what the parts of a ship do.


A message in a bottle.

Send us a message in a bottle. That's piraty right!


Captain Sly.

Learn a little about ol' Captain Sly!